
GEG renews its SME Leader Status

17 September, 2018

In recognition of our competence and positioning in the Portuguese and global market, GEG was once again distinguished by IAPMEI with the renewal of its SME Leader Status title in 2018, attributed to Portuguese companies with high-performance profiles, under the program FINCRESCE, giving them notoriety and creating optimized funding conditions for them to develop their growth strategies and strengthen their competitive basis.

The SME Leader Status is annually awarded by the Portuguese Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (IAPMEI) in partnership with the main banks operating in Portugal: BPI, Bankinter, Crédito Agrícola, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, EuroBic, Millennium BCP, Montepio, Novo Banco, Novo Banco dos Açores, Santander Totta and mutual guarantee societies.

This SME Leader Status has been obtained consecutively since 2013, as a result of the quality of the economic performance and risk profile of the company. Considering all the distinctions, this is the eighth year that GEG receives the SME Leader distinction.

GEG is proud of the renewal of this recognition and reinforces its focus on a policy of continual improvement, with a search for new challenges, to achieve the client’s satisfaction, taking into account the highest standards of quality and innovation.

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