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Transports - Ports

APDL – Road and rail accesses to the new logistics platform


This project concerned terrestrial accesses to a logistics platform which comprised three new zones, occupying a total area of 86 ha, and is part of the expansion project of the Port of Leixões. The accesses comprised in a new railway branch line with a total extension of 1.820 meters and a new roadway approximately 1.200 meters long.

For the first 1.100 meters of the railway it is a single track, and for the remaining ones a double track. The roadway was set to have 2 lanes, 15.6 meters wide, considering the large paved side of the road, which may be adapted as another lane in the future, depending on the flux of traffic.

Two interchanges were foreseen for the roadway, one of them with VILPL, the direct roadway link to the Port of Leixões.

The adopted geometry for these accesses implied 2 roadway viaducts, 3 railway viaducts and 1 roadway underpass. For the roadway viaducts, with maximum spans up to 25 meters, two possible solutions were then studied and presented, considering either just using cast in place concrete or by integrating precast elements. The railway viaducts consisted in simple solutions, with the exception of the viaduct over River Leça, which amounted to a total extension of 310 meters, divided into 11 spans.

This project is included in GEG’s vast portfolio of projects in the Port of Leixões – one of the most important port infrastructures and maritime communication gates of Portugal – where GEG has been developing, for over two decades, a continuous and full range of activities in multiple areas.

Key Facts
Created with Sketch. Year: 
Created with Sketch. Client: 
APDL – Administração dos Portos do Douro e Leixões
Created with Sketch. Services: 
Matosinhos, Portugal