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Transports - Ports

Railway Link to the Port of Aveiro


In 2010 the Portuguese rail infrastructure authorities opened a connection of great importance for the rail network in Portugal, considered a priority in the strategic guidelines for the railway sector.

The railway link to the Port of Aveiro, with approximately 8,8 km long, mainly aims to redistribute cargo coming from and going to the Port of Aveiro. This railway connection permits a direct link to the national railway network (Northern railway line and Beira Alta’s railway line) and, as such, is linked to the Multimodal Platform of Cacia.

The construction of the Multimodal Platform of Cacia arose from the need to create an infrastructure to support the Port of Aveiro, with a multimodal perspective (railway and maritime transport) in order to enable a freight distribution to and from the port. The need for a railway infrastructure linked with a multimodal platform follows the Community strategies to promote intermodality, ie the interconnection between the different modes of transport (maritime, rail, road and, when applicable, also by air). With the enlargement of the Port of Aveiro, it is fundamental to fill this national need, which is crucial to the port’s expansion.

GEG provided several consultancy services for the supervision related to the foundation and treatment of the railway and roadway embankments and subgrades.

Key Facts
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Port engineering design, Foundations design, Geological and geotechnical studies, Slope stabilisation, Excavations and earthworks design, Consulting and on-site technical support, Construction supervision
Aveiro, Portugal