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Transports - Railways

Tua Railway slope stabilization


The scope of work was the rehabilitation and stabilization of 30 slopes (totalizing 2,6 kilometers ) located at Tua railway, between kilometre 21+200 (Brunheda) and 54+100 (Mirandela) in Northeast of Portugal, to provide a safer operation of the railway.

It was developed a geological and geotechnical characterization of the slopes. The data were then processed using DIPS software (RocScience ®), followed by stability analysis and the definition of the reinforcement solutions using the software according to the failure modes, e.g. Slide and Swedge (RocScience ®) and GEO5 (Fine ® ).

The phenomena of instability were generally related to the rock falls  (plaine, wedge and toppling failures, etc.) or landslides (disintegration of rocks).




This project included the following activities: local inspections, topographic surveys, evaluation, and characterization,  diagnosis and the engineering solutions definition. The environmental, patrimonial and natural beauty of the landscape had a significant impact on the design.

 The main works were:

  • Steel wire meshes (draped mesh, draped mesh with cable-net and a nailed mesh reinforced with cables)
  • Rock Bolts
  • Rock support
  • Shotcrete with nails
  • Protection against erosion due to rockfall
  • Cut slopes
  • Deep drainage (geo-drains)
  • Improvement of schists masonry walls
  • Gabions walls



Key Facts
Created with Sketch. Year: 
Created with Sketch. Client: 
Mystic Tua, S.A.
Tua Railway (Brunheda - Mirandela), Portugal