
“Project Management: from Theory to Practice”

8 June, 2017

GEG will be present at the event organized by IPMA Young Crew Portugal, which will be held at FEUP, on 8 June 2017.

The event “Project Management: from Theory to Practice” will be attended by António Andrade Dias, president of APOGEP, António Cândido of EFACEC and Hugo Marques of GEG, which will address the particularities of the project management in engineering projects.

IPMA Young Crew Portugal is a group of young students and professionals integrated in APOGEP and IPMA (International Project Management Association), the oldest association of professionals in project management, with over 50 member associations in America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia along with 14 active Young Crew.

Project management is a service of particular relevance for its widespread application in the projects developed by GEG, aiming to achieve with greater efficiency the success of the objectives and requirements that each project has.

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